5 Tips for a Successful Video Marketing Campaign on LinkedIn

Ilfusion Creative
4 min readAug 14, 2019


In recent years, LinkedIn has become more than just a text-heavy B2B social media platform; it has now been recognized as one of the rising stars when it comes to video marketing.

In fact, statistics have shown that LinkedIn video posts generated a remarkable 300 million impressions in just a single year. A study conducted by Wyzowl also revealed that 51% of video marketers have used video marketing on LinkedIn, and from this number, 84% found it to be a successful and effective strategy.

With the new B2B native video ad feature on LinkedIn, the platform has made it so much easier for brands to tell their story and captivate professional audiences. Here’s what you should know and how you can use video ads to boost your LinkedIn marketing campaigns.

Introducing: LinkedIn’s B2B Native Video Ads

In mid-2018, LinkedIn goes “all-in” on B2B video marketing by introducing its native video ads for sponsored content and company pages.

This new feature is widely different from their pre- and post-roll video ads, in that native videos live directly in the LinkedIn newsfeed as a standalone post and automatically play in-feed, making it easier to stand out and catch the attention of your target audience. For those who aren’t familiar, pre-roll ads are those that automatically play before a featured video, while post-roll ads play after a featured video is finished.

Why is it important for brands to consider video marketing on LinkedIn? According to LinkedIn:

  • LinkedIn members spend 3x more time watching video ads than with static sponsored content (i.e., photos, text, etc.)
  • Company page videos generate 5x more engagement than other types of content

Video ads on LinkedIn can also help you build brand awareness, engage with key business decision-makers, and drive qualified leads to your campaign.

Here are a few simple tips to help you drive a successful video marketing campaign on LinkedIn:

Tips for a Successful Video Marketing Campaign on LinkedIn

1. Capture attention from the start

The first few seconds of your video is profoundly crucial — it should be able to capture the attention of your audience right from the start. LinkedIn, in fact, has found that attention wanes after 10 seconds, which is why it’s important to put essential information upfront and get your message across within the first 10 seconds.

2. Optimize for silent and closed-captioning viewing

The days of silent films are resurfacing, as more and more social media users (around 85%!) view videos with the sound muted. When creating your video ads, it’s important to prepare for silent viewing by including descriptive and explanatory imagery, as well as making use of LinkedIn’s new closed captioning feature. Create a detailed script and make sure that if you opt for a video without dialogues, your actors should be able to express your message well with their body language and facial expressions.

3. Keep it short and sweet

While there is no hard-and-fast rule as to the ideal video length, it’s best to keep your video ads short and sweet. According to LinkedIn, the most successful videos are less than 15 seconds in length. However, LinkedIn also recommends stretching the length to 30 seconds (or less) when creating video ads that are aimed specifically for brand awareness.

4. Close with a compelling call-to-action

A call-to-action is one of the most essential parts in every marketing campaign, and more so for video ads where it’s often overlooked. At the end of the video, it’s important to include a clear and compelling call-to-action that directs viewers to the next step of the journey: follow your company page, sign up for a free demo, head on to your Product pages, or what-not. It also helps if you provide a link to your landing page in your description to make it convenient for viewers to take the desired action.

5. Consider going professional

With all that’s been said, your efforts would be for naught if the quality of your video itself isn’t up to par with industry standards. As a business, it’s important to invest in quality video equipment, such as a good camera, lighting, microphone, tripod, and video editing software. The good news is that today, even smartphones with a high-quality rear camera can be good enough for taking videos. Even better is that there are digital agencies like Ilfusion that offers video production and marketing services that are both affordable and professional in quality.

To get started in creating a video ad on LinkedIn, head to their Video Ads page here.

In Conclusion

Video marketing holds so much promise for brands today and the years ahead — and these promises are easier to reach, now that social media platforms like LinkedIn are integrating free tools for video marketing.

Should you need more information about video marketing and video production, you can visit our website at https://www.ilfusion.com.



Ilfusion Creative

Ilfusion Inc. is a full-service creative agency located in Fort Worth, TX with talents in web, design, video, social media and marketing consultation.