How to Create a Shot List for Your Brand Videos

Ilfusion Creative
5 min readOct 26, 2022


How to Create a Shot List for Your Brand Videos

The quality of your brand videos has a huge impact on their effectiveness and success. A lot of thought and care must go into the production process to ensure that your videos are able to communicate the message you want to send across clearly.

One of the factors that affect the overall quality of your video is the kind of shots you take. However, figuring out which shots to take can be tricky, especially if you’re new to video production. This is where a shot list comes in handy.

What Is a Shot List?

A shot list is basically a checklist of all the shots you need to take for your video. It helps you plan and organize your shots in a way that ensures you don’t miss out on any key elements.

Creating a shot list also allows you to think about the different ways you can shoot a particular scene. This gives you the opportunity to be more creative with your shots and come up with interesting camera angles and compositions.

Shot List vs. Storyboard

A shot list is often confused with a storyboard, but the two are not the same. While a shot list focuses on individual shots, a storyboard is a big-picture view of your video that shows how all the shots fit together to tell a cohesive story.

Some video producers prefer to create a storyboard first, then break it down into individual shots on a shot list. Others like to start with a shot list and then create a storyboard once they have a better idea of all the shots they need.

There’s no right or wrong way to go about it. Just do whatever works better for you.

What Should You Include in Your Shot List Format?

Here’s a quick rundown of the essential elements you should include in your shot list:

  • Scene number: Assign each scene a number so you can keep track of them easily.
  • Scene description: Write a brief description of each scene so you know what’s supposed to happen in it.
  • Shot type: Indicate what type of shot it is, such as close-up, wide shot, etc.
  • Camera angle: Not all shots will have different camera angles, but for those that do, be sure to specify which one you want.
  • Lens: If you’re using a DSLR or mirrorless camera, you’ll need to specify which lens you’re using for each shot.
  • Notes: Include any other relevant details, such as focus points or special effects you want to use.

Other things you can include in your shot list are the following:

  • Location: If you’re shooting on location, be sure to note down the address or name of the place.
  • Date and time: When are you planning to shoot each scene? It’s important to note this down so you can make sure everyone involved is available at the right time.
  • Cast and crew: Who will be in each scene? Make a note of their names so you can keep track of who needs to be where.
  • Props and wardrobe: What kind of props and clothing will be needed for each scene? This is important to know so you can make sure everything is ready before shooting begins.

Types of Shots for Your Brand Videos

Varying your shots is important to keep your videos interesting. Here are some of the most common types of shots you can use in your videos:

  • Close-up shot: A close-up shot is a tight shot that shows the subject’s face clearly. It’s often used to capture emotions or reaction shots.
  • Medium shot: A medium shot shows the subject from the waist up. It’s a good all-purpose shot that can be used for interviews, talking head videos, and more.
  • Wide shot: A wide shot shows the subject from head to toe. It’s often used to establish the setting or location of a scene.
  • Over-the-shoulder shot: An over-the-shoulder shot is a medium or close-up shot that shows the subject from behind. It’s often used in dialogue scenes to show the characters talking to each other.
  • Point-of-view shot: A point-of-view shot is a shot that’s taken from the character’s perspective. It’s a great way to put the viewer in the character’s shoes and make them feel like they’re part of the story.
  • Bird’s eye view: A bird’s eye view is a shot that’s taken from above. It’s often used to give the viewer a different perspective of the scene or to show the relationship between different elements.

5 Tips for Creating a Shot List

A well-planned shot list can make a big difference in the quality of your videos. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when creating yours:

1. Establish a plan

Start with a rough idea of what you want your video to look like. This will help you decide what kind of shots you need.

It’s also helpful to have an idea of the video’s narrative arc. What story are you trying to tell? How can you visually represent that story through your shots?

2. Keep it organized

Once you have a list of shots, organize them in a way that makes sense. Group similar shots together and label them accordingly. This will make it easier to find the shots you need when you’re ready to start shooting.

Breaking down your video into scenes will also help you stay organized. Begin each scene with a new numbered shot and include a description of what’s supposed to happen in that scene.

3. Go into detail

Be as specific as possible when describing each shot. The more information you can provide, the better.

We have mentioned before the importance of including camera angles, lenses, and other relevant details. This will ensure that everyone involved in the shoot knows exactly what you want.

4. Communicate with your team

Make sure everyone involved in the shoot knows about your shot list. This includes the videographer, actors, and anyone else who will be on set.

Discussing the shot list ahead of time will ensure that everyone is on the same page and knows what to expect. It will also help avoid any confusion or misunderstandings during the shoot.

5. Be flexible

Things can change quickly on set, so it’s important to be flexible. Be prepared to adjust your shot list as needed.

Don’t be afraid to improvise or try something new if it will result in a better video. The most important thing is to get the shots you need to tell your story.

Creating a shot list is a helpful way to plan your brand videos. By taking the time to map out your shots, you can ensure that your videos are well-organized and visually interesting. For more videography and brand marketing tips, follow our blog at!



Ilfusion Creative

Ilfusion Inc. is a full-service creative agency located in Fort Worth, TX with talents in web, design, video, social media and marketing consultation.