Top 5 SEO Trends to Prepare for in 2023

Ilfusion Creative
3 min readDec 8, 2022


Top 5 SEO Trends to Prepare for in 2023

Change is a constant in the SEO world, and as 2023 approaches, it’s important to stay ahead of the curve. With new changes looming for Google, such as their move from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4, a lot of other changes are in store for SEO in the coming year.

Here is a look at some of the top SEO trends that you should be aware of and prepare for in 2023:

1. More personalized and granular analytics

As we mentioned, Google will be sunsetting its Universal Analytics and upgrading to Google Analytics 4. With this change, users will be able to access much more granular and personalized analytics, such as:

  • Event-based data instead of the usual session-based
  • Collection of both web and app data
  • More advanced privacy controls
  • More personalized predictive capabilities

This will allow for more accurate and detailed reporting of user engagement and behavioral data. For SEO, this means that algorithm changes are very likely to become more data-driven and personalized.

2. Focus on the technical aspect of user experience

One of Google’s main objectives is to provide a smooth web experience to all users. With the continued improvement of its Core Web Vitals update, Google will most likely look at the technical aspects of websites more than ever before.

This means that performance metrics that are not easily visible to humans such as loading speed and Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) will be more important to SEO.

This, however, does not mean that you should ignore the surface-level aspects of user experience such as design and content. Instead, it means that you should focus on the technical optimization of your website in order to create a more seamless experience for your users.

3. Focus on structured data and advanced schema implementation

With the increasing adoption of smart devices, voice search is becoming more popular than ever. To make sure that your website appears in voice search results, you need to optimize it with structured data and schema implementation.

Structured data and schema markup are code that adds additional information to your pages. These are among the best ways to ensure that search engine crawlers understand the content on your website. They also help improve the visibility of websites and increase traffic through improved SERP rankings.

In the coming year, expect that there will be a much greater focus on structured data and advanced schema implementation.

4. More localized SEO

Among the effects of the pandemic was the rise of “near me” searches. This means that users are looking for businesses, services, and products that are near their location, as opposed to those located further away. And this trend isn’t going away anytime soon.

To leverage this, it’s important for marketers to focus on localized SEO. This involves optimizing your website with local keywords, setting up geo-targeted pages and backlinks, and utilizing other tactics to make sure that your website appears in local searches.

5. Smarter natural language processing (NLP)

Finally, natural language processing (NLP) is an area that will see significant improvements in 2023. NLP is a type of AI that helps computers interpret natural language, such as spoken or written text.

Google, in particular, has integrated NLP into several of its algorithms to better understand context and user intent. This means that marketers should focus on using natural language when creating content for SEO purposes.

Semantically related keywords will be much more important in 2023, as will long-tail keywords that contain natural syntax and grammar. Focus on optimizing your content for NLP to make sure that your website remains visible and relevant in the coming years.

Wrapping It Up

These are but a few of the trends that SEO professionals should look out for in 2023. As technology continues to advance, SEO is sure to become even more complex and multi-dimensional.

Keep an eye on the latest updates from Google and stay ahead of the curve by adapting your strategies to the changing landscape. With these tips in mind, you will be well-equipped for success in 2023.

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Ilfusion Creative

Ilfusion Inc. is a full-service creative agency located in Fort Worth, TX with talents in web, design, video, social media and marketing consultation.